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Technician Account

Technician Account

Here you can find all the different topics regarding the Technician Account. 1. LOG IN 2. QR SCANNER 3. WORKFLOW LIST 4. EXECUTE A WORKFLOW 5. UPDATE WORKFLOWS 6. SEND REPORTS



Introduction Roles Types Supported devices

Designer Account

Designer Account

You have different options while working on your Designer Account. These are: 1. LOG IN 2. WORKFLOWS : By clicking on this Icon you will be able to see all the workflows you already have listed. 3. REPORTS : This icon will take you to your reports library. 4.…


Technician Account » SEND REPORTS

By clicking on you are able to send all the reports of workflows that you completed but didn`t send them. You must be online to be able to complete this step. Once you send the report, the Designer will be able to read it from the section REPORTS in his account.…


Technician Account » WORKFLOW LIST

By clicking on you can find all the workflows that have been downloaded on the Technician Account. Once inside you can access all your workflows listed. Workflow


Technician Account » LOG IN

You have to log in into your account once you go inside the app. You will be asked to complete with the technician name and password. Once you are in, you will get to the Technician Home screen. You can check the devices supported in SUPORTED…