Designer: As a Designer, you can access our platform from various devices and browsers to create and manage Workflows:

  • PC and MAC: Create Workflows on your personal computer, whether you’re a Windows or Mac user.
  • Android: Use our application on Android devices for easy Workflow design.
  • Browsers: For the best experience, we highly recommend using Google Chrome. Our platform is also compatible with Firefox, Microsoft Edge, and Safari on iOS.

Technician: Technicians can perform Workflow tasks on the following devices:

  • Realwear: Our application is fully compatible with Realwear devices, including hmt-1, hmt-1Z1, and Navigator 500.
  • Iristick: Technicians can also use Iristick devices, such as C1, Z1, and H1.
  • Android: Our application is accessible on Android smartphones and tablets, offering flexibility and convenience for Technicians in the field.


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